

Learning to be of service to others is a vital part of a St. Matthew’s education, which is reflected in our School motto – Serve • Lead • Flourish. Through our service learning programs, students develop the lifelong habit of serving others and learn to become capable, responsible leaders in the process. Service projects are aligned with the grade-level curriculum. This allows students to actively apply academic concepts to community challenges and cultivates empathy, responsibility, and civic engagement. Working in partnership with families, the School strengthens and reinforces the moral and spiritual education started in the home and developed with the broad context of the practices, precepts, and traditions of the Episcopal Church.


Service Learning at St. Matthew’s 

The first word of St. Matthew’s motto is “Serve.” Service is at the core of a St. Matthew’s education. As our School’s Character Covenant reminds students, we believe that students should graduate with a sense of responsibility, empathy, fairness, honesty, and respect for their community and world and therefore also a call to be servant leaders. Each class, starting with our Preschooler and going through 8th grade, works on an age-appropriate project that is tied to the curriculum or social-emotional goals for that grade. The St. Matthew’s school song prays that God teaches us to “be people of service.”   

Partner Service Organizations